Emergency Drain Unblocking & Repair - Call Us On 03302235789

Plumbing & Drainage

Local to Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, Kent, Brighton, South London - No Call Out Charge, Family Run Drainage Company Serving Commercial & Domestic Clients.

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Case Study: Blocked drain in Horsham, RH12

Trading Standards - Buy with confidence

DrainBoss were called out to a client living in Horsham, RH12 who had a blocked pipe from a kitchen sink.

The sink would not drain away and the problem got worse even after they had poured a drain cleaner down the drain. They eventually called DrainBoss for assistance.

We generally discourage people from using chemical drain cleaning products as they are not good for the environment and they can make the situation worse, especially if they do not work on the first dose.

On arrival, We located the blockage, isolated the problem section of pipe and removed the blockage using an electromechanical drill. The sink was left draining away perfectly.

Sink unblocking